Jan's Deals Blog

Monday, August 24, 2009

Popular Hot Dog Vendor Told to Pack His Buns

Greenwich, CT / Greenburgh, NY -- Since 1991, Frank’s Franks has been a Greenwich institution for people looking for good food, fast. Right on the border of Rye Brook and Greenwich, locals flocked to Frank DeNicola’s familiar red truck for sandwiches, soup and, of course, hot dogs.

When property owner and developer KF Rye Brook, LLC bought the property from PepsiCo on which Frank’s Franks stood in 2006, it was business as usual. Now, DeNicola is being squeezed out as they plan to build 30 condominiums on the land near the spot where Frank’s Franks has stood for almost two decades.

As of late, the dispute has escalated from a war of words to DeNicola being forced to leave after surveyors drew property lines and erected a fence to keep DeNicola away. “I can’t walk down the street without people asking when we’ll be back,” said DeNicola, adding that he’s often reminded that he has kept the community fed across generations – not only serving the parents, but now their children as well.

Jan Stuart, founder of JansDeals.com and an advocate of small businesses across the country, heard of Frank’s predicament and suggested that he check out the town of Greenburgh, NY, just a stone’s throw from Greenwich. “Frank’s Franks was one of the first small businesses listed on JansDeals.com , so when I heard that Frank was having some problems, I thought about what I could do to help out, “ said Stuart.

Said Stuart, “I am a staunch believer that if we want to fix this economy, we have to first start in our own backyard. Literally.” By suggesting the move to Greenburgh, Frank’s Franks loyal customers can remain patrons – although perhaps not as frequently.

This is the philosophy that led him to create JansDeals.com, a community portal that connects small and local businesses directly to local customers and potential new customers.

“This whole ordeal has been a blow to my business,” said DeNicola, who says that he’s gone from four trucks to two during this time. “Given our history, and how long we were in the same location, the outpouring of support from the people in the community, from landscapers to famous folks, has really been remarkable.” Frank’s famous fans include an allstar roster of professional athletes, celebrities and politicians.

Greenburgh’s jurisdiction on Jackson Avenue in Greenburgh, where another famous food establishment, Mickey’s, stood for almost 80 years. The move comes about starting next week with

Said Stuart, “I know that if we can save one small business, it will lead to another and so on down the line.”

Original Article at http://whytmedia.typepad.com/files/whyt-148-web.pdf

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